
Our roots are planted firmly in the explosive growth of Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches in Asia and the need to produce fully equipped ministry leaders. Our existence will always be likened to a seed sown by the Logos Sower that fell on good soil and produced hundred-fold of what was sown (Mt 13:8).

Our story began in 1973 when Arthur W. Pettyjohn founded the Church of God Bible Academy (COGBA) and Gerald Holloway, a pioneer of mega church movement in Asia and founder of the Word for the World Christian Fellowship, presided as our president. Since then the Asian Seminary has been sending out fully equipped graduates into the harvest fields of Asia and beyond.

Over the past 40 years the Asian Seminary has remained a warm and hospitable environment, hub and epicenter of training ministry leaders. Our graduates are placed across Asia and throughout the globe as leaders of Churches, pastors, missionaries, educators and leaders of NGO’s. We are a spirit-filled community of worship, service and scholarship, permeated with the love of God. Our passion is proclaiming the gospel unto the ends of the earth. Our task is to produce leaders of the Church of the third millennium.


Sponsorship, Registration, Recognition and Approvals

The Asian Seminary is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippine Government as a non-stock, non-profit organization with corporate name Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries Inc.

The school and its programs are approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) of the Philippine government. The Commission has approved, Bachelor of Theology: Government Recognition (GR) No. C-038, Series 1995, Bachelor of Christian Education: GR No. C-037, Series 1995, Master of Divinity: GR No. C-036, Series 1995, Master of Arts in Christian Leadership: GR No. 019 Series 2003, and Master of Social Work: GR No. 024 Series of 2011.

See ASCM is listed as one among the CHED accredited institutions in the Philippines, click

The Bureau of Immigration (BID) of the Philippine government has approved the school’s authority to accept foreign students subject to existing rules and regulations. All foreign nationals who are at least 18 years old and shall take up a course of study higher than high school at a University, seminary or college are allowed to enter the country on a tourist status and convert into a student visa.

The Asian Seminary is an accredited member of the Asia Theological Association (ATA). The school complies with the standards prescribed by the Accreditation and Educational Development Commission of the ATA. Thus accreditation has been granted to Certificate in Church Musicianship, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Christian Education, Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Leadership, Master of Social Work and Doctor of Ministry.

The Asian Seminary is an accredited member of the Association for Theological education in South East Asia (ATESEA), the accreditation agency for theological education in South East Asian Region. The ATESEA Accreditation Commission has recognized the quality of our theological education programs and has accredited both bachelor and masters level theological education degrees of the school, namely, the Bachelor Theology and Master of Divinity.

The Asian Seminary is part of the Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST), a consortium of eight theological seminaries in the Philippines. The consortium is established to offer post graduate level theological education to prepare scholars and leaders to build and renew the Church in Asia. As well as to facilitate the mutual sharing resources, including those of faculty personnel, library and media, among the member seminaries. The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree programs of ASCM are AGST approved.

The Asian Seminary is an associate member of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC), a recognized endorser of foreign missionaries by the BID. Through the PCEC, the seminary is authorized to host those who would like to do missionary work alongside completing higher education degrees through the seminary.

Andrew Sangmin Han, Ph.D.


Jose Abraham, PhD
Academic Dean

Faculty and Program Heads

Ayuk Ausaji Ayuk EdD, PhD
Regional Director for Africa

Hermenegildo Baldoza DMin
Master of Social Work Coordinator

Academic Affairs

Orlando Aton Jr.

Jhon Bryan Penaflorida
Academic Assistant to the Dean

Business Office

Wilma Gonzales
Admin Assistant to the President/
Business Manager


Jhoana May A. Peñaflorida

Rhodora Gonzales
Jr. Accountant

Admin and Academic Services Personnel

Nathan Jed Del Rosario
E-Learning Tech Support & Online Administrator

Caleb Cruzem
Admissions Officer

Office of Student Affairs

Emanuell Arandia
Student Affairs Coordinator & Promotions Officer